Rico’s World Kitchen: Fusion Food At its Best!

Rico’s World Kitchen: One of my favorite hole in the walls in all of Atlanta! It’s an amazing Son and Mother joint that specializes in Filipino / New Orleans Creole fusion food! I heard about this place from so many telling me how amazing their food was, and not one negative comment at all.

If you go there you must try the Chicken Cuban ! By far the best version of a Cuban that I have ever had! They smoke their own pork, and make the best smoked vinegar BBQ dip for the side! These flavors compliment the sandwich so well that a lot of times people just soak their pork or pour the sauce all over the sandwich! Another key to any of their sandwiches is how none of their bread gets soggy even when doused with any of their delicious toppings!

The last picture of a sandwich is snapshot of their mouth watering Ham and Brie sandwich topped with apricot jelly! The food orgasm that accompanies each and every single single bite is like the best one night stand you’ve ever had that turns into a possible candidate for introducing her to your mother ( which I am guilty of introducing it to my mother). It’s salty from the fresh baked ham, creamy from the Brie, and sweet from the apricot jelly!

On the side they are known for their homemade sweet potato kettle chips, hash browns, fried green tomatoes, or lumpias! A lot of these dishes, like the lumpias and deserts, are only made by the mother! If they run out and she’s not present to make them then you’re shit out of luck!

Also, for those beer lovers, they have a great varied of beers that happen to be very affordable for this town.

I will leave you with one last phrase to leave you drooling, “You truly can taste the love!”

Cuban Sandwich with Sweet Potato Chips


Ham And Brie topped with Apricot Jelly
